Physical Location : 89 Quintin Street, Roma, Qld, 4455


Weed Hygiene Inspection Services commenced operation in 2001. We provide weed hygiene inspections, wash downs of light vehicles (only) and clearances to clients in order to assist in the environmental protection from the spread of weeds and pest animals throughout Queensland and surrounding areas.

Weed Hygiene Inspection Services’ mission is to prevent any adverse environmental incidents occurring on our clients’ rural land through implementing the best practice plans in the areas of bio-security and conservation and land management.

Scope of Work

Conducting certified inspections of plant and equipment to ensure that all soil/organic matter has been removed which may contain weed seeds or other pests including soil bearing pathogens.


Weed Hygiene Inspection Services’ reputation for providing professional service to clients is reliant on our team of enthusiastic and committed personnel.

Weed Hygiene Inspection Services personnel are trained both in the field and via specialised training through Queensland Murray Darling Committee and the Australian Agricultural College Corporation (Dalby Campus), in order to provide professional and up-to-date services to all of our clients.


This firm will be closed for the Christmas/New Year break from 4pm 20/12/19 to 8am Tuesday 6/1/20.

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